With a little help from Annette

Meditating in a fieldIf you’re already exhausted just thinking about the hectic craziness that is Christmas and the New Year, you can start to breathe easy. Right this minute.

Because today, we’re in for a real treat: Miss Wellness WA devised a 3-part plan to tackle the stressful times ahead and is sharing it below. Let the tension-melting begin!

‘Hands up if you’re vaguely (or not so vaguely) dreading the coming months? Getting things wrapped up for the end of the working year, Christmas, family, functions to attend, impending heat… all of which invariably lead to low energy, stress and difficulty sleeping.

It can be easy in stressful times (especially Christmas!) to turn to unhealthy vices such as sugar (candy canes) and alcohol (eggnog) to get by.

In order to fend off any upcoming lifestyle foes, I’ve put together a list of tactics that will help you navigate the end of the year and come out the other side smiling and breathing deeply:

Tisserand Aromatherapy Roller Ball Survival Kit
1 – Tisserand Aromatherapy Roller Ball 100% Natural Survival Kit

This is my number one pick for yourself AND as a gift for a loved one. Besides coming in the cutest packaging ever, it contains three powerful aromatherapy cures that will get you out of any pickle you find yourself in. Best of all the ingredients are organic and/or ethically harvested so you’re doing something good for the world too.

De-Stress Roller Ball: Containing organic patchouli, organic orange and ethically harvested rose essential oils, this is the one you want to inhale just before hitting the shops on the 24th of December, or when your 55 distant rellies pop over unexpectedly for lunch.

Sleep Roller Ball: Containing organic lavender, organic bergamot and organic ylang-ylang essential oils, when every creak sounds like a reindeer on the roof and Christmas morning just wont come quick enough, roll some of the calming and soothing ‘Sleep’ on your temples, neck and wrists to help guide you to slumbertown. Perfect to roll on the pillows of little ones as well.

Energise Roller Ball: Containing organic bergamot, organic grapefruit and organic lime essential oils, this third offering will pep you up and give you the energy to keep writing out that long list of Christmas cards or help you out whilst slaving away over your vegan nut roast 😉

Weleda Aromatherapy Relaxing Lavender Bath Milk Bottle and Box2 – Weleda Relaxing Lavender Bath Milk

I’ve previously written about this wonder product here, but it definitely deserves another mention. This bath milk tames tension in a flash. Treat yourself to one of these twice weekly and you’ll feel like a human being again!

3 – Yoga Classes

If you can get down to a yoga class 1-3 times a week, you’ll glide through Christmas and summer. If not though, I highly recommend starting up your own practice at home.

My two favourites are:

Yoga Easy & Yoga2Easy by Yolanda Pettinato – these have changed my life!


Tara Stiles Youtube Channel – the girl can do no wrong in my eyes, down to earth, impossibly gorgeous and with a myriad of free online yoga exercises, she has you covered for everything from a hangover, to a hotel stay, to a pre-bedtime routine, to some morning energising yoga goodness. MUST check out.

What are your favourite tips to de-stress? Is there a special scent you are drawn to when you’re burnt out? Let us know! xo’

Thanks so much Annette! Honest to goodness, we feel better already.

Annette Gohl, Creator and Editor in Chief of Wellness WAAnnette is the gorgeous energetic creator/editor of Wellness WA. She practices extreme yoga, is a regular green-smoothie drinker and her enthusiasm for well-being and healthy living is contagious. Wellness WA is a regular read of ours for product reviews and healthful tips – and the reviews of spa treatments have made us want to head west to Perth more than once! You can also connect with Wellness WA on Facebook and follow on Twitter.

Image credit (from here), with bonus de-stressing tips!